Welcome to Making Readers, your one Stop Spot for literacy Instructional Tips and Support!

My mission is simple. I want to help you provide better literacy instruction to the readers in your life. Whether you are a teacher, Reading Specialist or a parent who wants to help their child at home improve their reading ability.  It’s not an easy task, but as an experienced Reading Specialist, I have a vast amount of knowledge to help you.  

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Planning for and teaching small groups means you need to be organized, and I have a few tools to help you get prepped and ready. I have found these forms very useful for both my students and I, and I’d like to share them with you.

Over on my Freebies page, you’ll find more information about each and find my sharing forms. I am starting an email list and will be emailing out my blog posts, teaching tips, and additional free resources you’ll find helpful. Click the button below to access my page.

Welcome to

Making Readers

Hey there! I’m Kim! I’m a full time reading specialist for the past 16 years, full time mom to two daughters, chocolate lover, avid children’s book reader, and now, I’m a literacy blogger!

Here on my site, I will be sharing literacy instruction tips and tricks.  I specialize in providing strong and explicit intervention instruction.  Here to help fellow parents, Reading Specialists and classroom teachers with organization routines, and ways that you can create strong readers too. 

Read with your child