Overwhelmed with finding the resources you need for your lessons? I’d love to help you out with a few free literacy resources you might be able to use. Below, I’ll share a few I’ve made for my classes. If you see something you like, simply join my email list to get the download.
Weekly Anecdotal Records
Keeping track of student progress requires lots of kid watching. You can use this form over and over to keep track of daily progress. As I meet with my reading groups, I use it to record my observations, running record information, notes for upcoming lessons, etc. This form is especially great to use during a formal observation. If you’d like a copy of the form, sign up for my email list below. I’ll send the form to your inbox and other tips and freebies.

Reading List and Books to Read List

Having students keep track of their independent reading books helps a great deal for information gathering too. I love seeing the list of books my students have read and having conversations about them! The list gives me an idea of their current reading abilities, their interests, and whether or not they are actually devoting time to independent reading. To get a copy of these forms, complete my opt in form below. I’ll send you the files along with other tips and freebies.
Written Response Task Cards
The last freebie I’d like to share are my written response task cards. These little anchor charts are just what you need to guide your students in writing short and extended responses for your state test. Just say, “No!” to…”It was good. I really liked it,” and say, “Yes!” to your students detail filled paragraphs. Your students will be so proud of their work if they take advantage of these reminders.

Getting to know your readers mini-book
It’s a new school year and you have a room full of new readers to get to know. You could do a boring reading survey or you could have them make books about their favorite topic-themselves! I also like this activity because it is important for students to see themselves as a reader in order for them to be a successful reader. Builds their confidence too!