It’s Back to School time, and I have a question for you. Have you heard or maybe your child has told you about an “ABC Countdown”? Normally, this is an activity that usually elementary school teachers do at the end of the school year. For the last 26 days of the school year referencing the 26 letters of the English alphabet, there is an activity. For example, 26 days from the last day of school is A day and on A day, the students will eat apples. Students love to end the school year this way and this activity also helps with classroom management. Students have to earn the activity each day based on their behavior or possibly completion of homework. Is this starting to sound familiar?

I decided to use this idea with my own daughters to make the last days of summer more fun. I created what I call the “ABC Countdown to {grade level child is going to be in} Grade”. For my kids, school starts on September 4, 2024. I counted back 26 days (starting on September 3rd) which would make the first day August 9, 2024. August 9th is A day. One year on our A day, it was “A Day on A Boat” where I arranged for us to go for a ride on my sister-in-law’s pontoon boat. B day was “Board Game” day. C day was “Crossword Puzzle and Candy Day”. Did I forget to mention that since you get to design the fun, you can even have 2 activities a day! You also get to choose how detailed (or how exhausting) you want each day to be.

I’ve created a FREE template that is editable to get you started in my TPT store. Fill out the form below to get it sent to you. Enjoy having fun each day of your ABC Countdown with your kiddos!